The Final Hour Bundle Drop (FHBD)
These Limited Edition label track exclusive tees are for the first time are available for direct purchase.
T T - ASA X 11 (Music Video) (Track Link)
The song reads TT ( Till tomorrow), it's a hard-hitting Hip/Hop track, an absolute banger which pictures the current landscape using metaphoric lyricism common in the late works of Jim Morrison, too cryptic wordplay used by famous iconoclast rapper Kanye West. Taking inspiration from poets, painters, philosophers, fashion, films, and more. They build a utopic atmosphere talking about the present culture while trying to stay real in these uncertain times, where bigger issues plague, they're still offering an insight into what it means to be an artist moreover, a Creator.
TT (Till Tomorrow) (FHBD) Tee
Limited Drop of only 25 Tees.